About blue brothers

Blue Brothers is a charitable, not-for-profit organisation offering well-being & camaraderie to men living with cancer. If you are interested, contact Gill to arrange your first session.

Blue Brothers for Kiakoura having lunch together.

dave's STORY

In January 2015, Dave Cattermole & his partner Gill completed Stewart Island's Great Walk, both in typical form and in good time. But by Easter, Dave no longer had the energy to get off the couch. Something didn’t feel quite right.

After many many tests, scans & specialist visits, Dave was eventually diagnosed with a cancerous tumour on his kidney. The doctors moved swiftly and completed a roof-top surgery to remove the entire kidney, and subsequent scans revealed a small tumour on his remaining kidney, as well as two inflamed (and inoperable) chest lymph nodes.

For most people, this would have been an extremely tough journey. But in true Dave fashion, he committed to a strict health & fitness regime. His goal was not only to recover well from his operations, but to continue to live life well, despite his remaining cancer diagnosis.

This he did, and only six months after his initial diagnosis, he and Gill completed the 120km Australian Sunshine Coast’ Coastal Pathway. A testament to Dave’s strength and tenacity to not let cancer get in the way of living.

And so today, seven years on from the removal of the initial tumour, Dave acknowledged he still lives with cancer.

“It doesn’t stop me - in fact, I’m determined to face it head on,” he said.
“I prefer to say that I am living with cancer, rather than dying of it, or suffering from it,” he explained. “We’ve gone positive.”

Dave explained he's had the odd medical setback since his diagnosis, resulting in different updates at each oncologist visit.

“Things come and go, and when we go for scans, they look different every time,” he explained. “So, to be honest, I’m not quite sure where it’s at!”

One thing he was sure of, however, was he wanted to use his experience to help others. He felt that if he was living with cancer, there would be others out there too who might wish to connect.

Enjoy your coffee with men living with cancer in New Zealand.
Blue Brothers Charitable Trust Logo. Support for men living with Cancer in New Zealand.

Vision & PURPOSE

To improve the physical and mental well-being of people living with cancer.

TO Create physical activity opportunities AND deliver camaraderie, enjoyment and SENSE OF SELF-worth, to people living with cancer. 

Who are we?

Charitable Trust

We sustain a cohesive and effective Trust network that ensures we can meet our purpose and that supports our vision. We provide an environment for improved socialisation and engagement of people living with similar challenges.

We implement an appropriate programme of holistic participant follow up and support, which reflects Trust care and empathy when a programme participant becomes unwell.

THE core values we believe in

Flame Icon - Blue Brothers


We will never stop believing that we can make a difference to the lives of our members.

Team Work - Blue Brothers


We strive to be inclusive, share stories, build trust and develop friendships.

Heart Icon - Blue Brothers


We will make a difference through boundless acts of care and kindness.



We will not judge but only support every member through their physical and mental journey.

Growth - Blue Brothers


Together we will derive greater strength and bring greater enjoyment and worth to our defined community.


We will promote the objectives and purpose of the Trust in a professional and sensitive manner.

Penny Gough Trustee of Blue Brothers Charitable Trust.
Pen Gough
Mike Coggan
Michelle Holland
Gill Kane
Craig Rhodes


Ben Gough Family Foundation a supporter of Blue Brothers Charitable Trust.Scenic Hotel Group logoAffinity Fitness Gym logoNCSRT - North Canterbury Sports Recreation Trust logoMVP Training logo
Active Health Logo supporting Blue Brothers Charitable TrustFresh Minds logoCancer Society in New Zealand.Monday Creative helping Blue Brothers with social media content.Decipher Design creative company designing beautiful websites.

Health & safEty

We work out of a variety of gym spaces and are always looking for new locations
Click through to our overview & disclaimer

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Instagram Blue BrothersInstagram Blue BrothersBlue BrothersEnjoy your coffee with men living with cancer in New Zealand.Instagram Blue BrothersExercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, attitude, and mood.Instagram Blue Brothers